Here's what happens when admission officers find out it's time to work on waiting list offers:
There's a UVa reference there. Do you know it?
Making calls to offer students on the waiting list a spot in the class is probably the most exciting thing we get to do. It's the closest most of us come to witnessing a student's reaction to an offer (I was able to make an offer in person last year...such a fun moment!). We love this.
We are filling the four undergraduate schools/colleges (Arts & Sciences, Engineering, Architecture, Nursing) and the Kinesiology program. We also have to keep the ratio of Virginia residents and out-of-state residents in mind.
We're going to start making offers today.
Official offers are posted in SIS, but we're going to call students to give them a heads up that their status is going to change and explain what to do next. You'll have two days to think things over and submit a deposit.
We try to call the number on the application between the end of the school day and 5 PM, when our office closes. It could take several weeks for this to play out. We'll make a few offers, give those students a couple days to deposit, make a few more offers, give those students a few days, etc.
Obviously, some will turn us down on the spot and that's totally fine. We realize that students on the waiting list may have deposited elsewhere and gotten excited about another school in the last few weeks. I hope those students have already removed themselves from the waiting list via SIS.
I hope this is happy news for those of you who are waiting!