We're done with Early Action
and we are releasing decisions tonight! Please keep reading. There's a lot of important info to go over.
Waiting |
1. At some point tonight (this is handled by the tech people these days and
I don't
control the exact time), the "View Decision" link at the bottom of your
SIS page will go to a decision letter.
If you can't find your login info for the SIS, review the "After You Submit" section of the application instructions. A welcome mailing with info about next steps will come later for those who are admitted.
Please do not open multiple windows or constantly hit refresh.
Students have slowed SIS down to a crawl in the past by doing it. Use
one window. Set a time tonight when you'll check and do something
offline until then.
Our counselor friends want you checking your
decision at home, where you won't have an audience of classmates and a
parent can be standing by to give you a big hug regardless of your decision.
That's more likely to happen in the evening (we've
actually consulted a lot of counselors about this).
2. The release is always exciting, but some of you aren't going to get
the decision for which you hoped. I hope you'll focus on the college
options you have instead of the ones you don't at the end of the day. I
hope those of you who get offers will celebrate your success, but also
be gracious around those who might
not have gotten good news.
3. I will post blog entries where you can talk about the different
decisions. I'll be back to work through any questions
that are asked in the comments tomorrow. I trust you to be respectful
of others in the comments.
A lot of people on Grounds will be watching #UVA21 so they can welcome our newest Wahoos to the UVA community. We love seeing your reactions when we check that hashtag!
Keep an eye on the
UVA Instagram,
Twitter, Snapchat, and
Facebook accounts. There might be some nice messages!
4. Please don't post personal information in the comments (contact
info, statistics, etc.).
As we discussed this morning, school-specific statistics like GPA are subjective
these days and don't represent the applicant accurately. GPAs are
meaningless without the high school profile's explanation of the
methodology used to calculate them. What's more, there have been times
when enough information about an applicant has been shared that their
classmates could identify them.
Rodman, and
College Science Scholars will be notified next week.
Posts about deferral, Days on the Lawn (open houses for admitted
students), an EA statistics will come
next week.
There is no lag time in our office, so we are now reading Regular Decision applications.
Please understand if my responses to questions are a little delayed.
You don't need to call us to verify this. It's true. We are releasing
decisions tonight. The receptionists can't tell you an exact time or your decision.
THANK YOU to all of you who have read and commented on the blog
so far this season.
Regardless of what SIS shows you tonight, you are going to attend a great school.
You're going to learn from amazing, inspirational professors, administrators, and peers. You're
going to meet people with whom you will stay friends for the rest of
your lives. You're going to pull all-nighters studying. You're going
to pull all-nighters not studying. You're going to have great successes and you're going to fail
miserably at some things.
What's going
to make or break those experiences is your response and your openness to
learning from them, not your location when they happen.
Remember that your decision is not a statement about your value. Most of our applicants are qualified. They are perfectly
capable of doing the work at UVA. Our first-year class just isn't
large enough to accommodate everyone.
Best wishes to those who won't be back to the blog after this (if
you're reading this by email, you can unsubscribe yourself at the
bottom of the email). To the rest, I hope you'll continue to comment and stay in touch.
It's a big night and I'll be thinking about you all. Good luck!