Where is everyone?
Comments over the weekend showed that some are eager for an update. I'm happy to say that most mid-year reports arrived and we have been able to move forward with our files. Aside from taking breaks to watch basketball games, we've been burning the midnight oil with the Regular Decision review.
Our official notification date is April 1st, but if we are able to release decisions earlier, I'll let you all know.
By the way, I think I have to revisit the issue of demonstrated interest again. People hear us when we say that interest doesn't matter, but they think we secretly want you to show interest. This is not true.
We want your substantive updates (grade or course changes, for example)
to go to uvaapplicationinfo@virginia.edu. If you have questions, feel
free to post them here are ask on Facebook or Twitter. You can also
email us or call our main number.There is a dean on call each day to answer questions by phone.