Peabody is the building, Jack is the dog, and I'm Dean J (she/her, btw).

There are years of posts here. The search box works well, but please consider the age of the posts when you find them. The college admission process changes every year!

References to emailing updates to your application are from the years when we didn't have the current applicant portal. Please follow the instructions in your portal to submit all updates.

Welcome to the blog and thanks for reading!

Friday, February 07, 2025

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars, Round 1

The Office of Admission reviews all applicants to the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering for a potential invitation to three scholars programs: Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars

The first round of invitations will go to students who applied during the Early Decision and Early Action rounds. An email with invitations from this first round is going out between 5:00 and 5:30 PM today and a short note is being added to portals. 

The second round of invitations will include students from all three rounds and will be posted after the conclusion of the Regular Decision process. Echols has a third round that takes place after the first year. 

About 5% of students in the College of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering are invited to join these programs. You can read more about them on their websites. In addition to showing exceptional academic records, scholars show a love of learning and an extraordinary commitment to academic pursuits beyond the classroom. We see this in transcripts, recommendations, essays, and activities. The review for the scholars programs is not driven by GPAs or test scores. 

Congratulations to our first group of scholars for the Class of 2029!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

2025 UVA Early Action Admission Statistics (Unofficial)

I've written a post like this few times per year since 2008 and while the numbers have changed a lot since then, they haven't changed much in recent years. The Office of Institutional Research and Analytics website has admission data going back to 1991 and our office shares admission rates broken down by residency in our presentations, publications, on our website, and on social media. If you're familiar with any of those, then these numbers I'm sharing aren't all that surprising. 

Early Action Applications

Total number of Early Action applications: 41,885 (37,642 last year)
Total number of VA apps: 11,240 (10,109)
Total number of OOS apps: 30,645 (27,533)
We use completed applications in our statistics.

Early Action Offers

Overall offers: 6,746
Total VA offers:
 2,788 (25% offer rate)
Total OOS offers:  3,958 (13% offer rate)
Enrollment Goal: ~3,970
It's misleading to average these offer rates together because residency is a major factor in our review. If you are going to share these numbers, cite BOTH offer rates. 

Some notes:

1. I do not have additional statistics. I report the data I'm given. We are already immersed in the Regular Decision review process and I have files to read tonight!

2. Decisions will be posted in the applicant portal tomorrow night around 5 PM. You got login credentials back when we received your Common App. If you never logged in before, do it now so you know how it works. 

3. Admitted students will get a paper copy of their admission letter by mail. It will take a while for us to get those out. I can't really predict when the USPS will get that into your mailbox. 
Your enrollment deposit is due by May 1st.
4. Defer letters have a link to the deferred student website. Please go over the information with your parent(s) and counselor. If you'd like to be considered for during the Regular Decision review, complete the reply form in the portal by and upload your semester grades and any other updates when they become available. This takes the place of writing a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI). Our instructions are clear that updates are uploaded in your portal, not emailed to admission officers. 

5. The first round of invitations into EcholsRodman, and College Science Scholars, will probably be sent by email and via the portal next week. I will post an update when that happens. A second round will be posted after the Regular Decision process is completed. Echols and Rodman also allow self-nomination after your first semester. Miller Arts Scholars only apply after the first semester.

6. Admitted students will get a "save the date" email next week with information about programming just for them. 

7. Remember that these numbers are unofficial. Institutional Research and Analytics is the source of all official statistics about UVA. They take a census to determine the final statistics for the class in the fall. I wrote a big post about all the great sources of data that you may find helpful.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

An Early Action Update!

 If you've been watching our live q&a sessions on instagram, you've heard me say we're close...

Early Action notification will be 
Friday, January 31, 2025 
This is official. Please do not call our office to confirm it. 

Where are the decisions posted? 

You will see a place to view your decision when you log into your MyUVA applicant portal. You received login information for the portal back when you applied. Decisions are not sent by email, but the systems sends an email when you have an unseen status update (there's a lag, so if you view your decision quickly, the email won't go out).

What time will decisions show up? 

The decisions will get posted all at once to portals around 5 PM. There's a technical team runs several processes to get the portals updated and I can't predict the exact time that they'll finish their work. 

Why is the portal changing? Is it a sign of my decision? 

The portal will look a little different as the technical team prepares for the release. The changes are not tied to your decision. 

 As always, I'll have a post with admission statistics before decisions go up.