Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Waiting List Update for #UVA27

Hello, everyone! I'm stepping back into the blog after a few weeks of student takeovers to let you know more about this year's waiting list. Here is what I can share today, May 2nd:

We are going to make some offers to students on the waiting lists. I can't predict exactly how many offers we make (more on that later). The total number of offers made will depend on how many people accept their offers.

At this point, it looks like most offers will be made to out-of-state, College of Arts and Sciences students, though there will be some offers made to Virginians and people in the smaller schools. If you've been reading the statistics posts on the blog, you know that Virginians tend to yield at a higher rate (that means say "yes" back to an offer of admission).

This is going to take time. Waiting list work happens in waves. For the rest of the week, we'll be reviewing applications from students who opted into the waiting list and going over additional information they may have submitted via their portals. Once me make an offer, the student gets a few days to think about it. Students waiting on a financial aid package will get a few days from the time their aid package is posted to SIS. Another factor to consider is melt. 

Melt (sometimes referred to as "Summer Melt") happens when students who accepted offers of admission decide that they aren't coming after all. You can see melt happen as schools go to their waiting lists. Someone who deposited at School A might get off the waiting list at School B and decide to withdraw from School A to accept that new offer. So, even if we fill spots that are available right now, on May 2nd, there may be other spots that open up later because of waiting list movement at other schools. 

The offers will go out via email at the end of the week. I will post a more specific update on my social accounts, if possible.

By the way, this blog is about the first year admission process. The UVA Transfer Blog is linked in the menu and will provide information for students on the transfer waiting list when there is news to share.