Tuesday, December 17, 2024

If Your Application is Deferred

If your Early Decision application was deferred to the Regular Decision round, we provided instructions for what to do next in your decision letter. We also linked to our deferred student website, which restates this information and answers the most common questions we get about deferral.

To have your application considered again in RD, you must complete two steps.

1. Complete the deferral form in your MyUVA Applicant Portal by January 15th.
2. Submit your fall trimester/semester grades by February 15th. 

On the defer student page, we explain that midyear grades can be submitted either by the student using their portal or by the school counselor. We aren't picky!

That is all you have to do. 

What else should you send?
Nothing else. We know there are third parties urging you to do other things. I strongly suggest that you follow our instructions instead of theirs. We specifically address Letters of Continued Interest (LOCIs) on that deferred student page. Please take a moment to read it if you haven't already. You're a senior and you have a lot on your plate. We are trying to help you use your limited time in the most productive way.


How many people will get offers in RD?
I can't predict the offer rate for the defer group. I've seen it as high as 16% and as low as 4% in recent years. Our decisions depend on midyear grades and how the rest of the applicant pool looks. 

It's now the Early Action students' turn to have our attention. Your application will get a second turn during RD if you choose to continue in the process.