Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A quick #UVA23 Update

With the May 1st deposit deadline looming, I thought I'd give you all a heads up about how the class of 2023 is coming together. Admitted students have until 11:59 PM on May 1st to submit their deposits, but we already know that we will be over the enrollment target for the first year class.

There is a factor that has to be considered before we make any decision about releasing the waiting list. That factor is called "melt." Melt is what happens when students who paid an admission deposit decide that they aren't coming. You can see melt happen as other schools go to their waiting list. Someone who deposited at UVA might get off the waiting list at another school and decide to withdraw from here to accept that other offer. Just as students are waiting for news of waiting list movement, admission officers are. We know that if peer schools start making offers to their waiting list students, we might see some people withdraw from our class.

The other factors that come into play at UVA are residency and the five academic entry points for first years. We could be over-enrolled in one school/college, but under the target for another. We'll know more about that after all the deposits are in. 

The tl;dr is that there probably won't be much waiting list movement at UVA this year. I'll have another update after May 1st.

(tl;dr means "too long; didn't read" and it is a way to indicate a summary statement follows.)