Friday, March 20, 2015

Thank You, #UVA19

After the 2009 season, I didn't think there could be a tougher year, but this one was harder. There were times when the energy and enthusiasm in your applications (and sometimes your nice tweets and comments) kept me going. It's been a long six months, but I think that the result is one of the most amazing classes we've ever assembled.

THANK YOU to all of you who have read and commented on the blog this season. I feel lucky that I get to stay connected with our applicants throughout the reading season via social media.

Regardless of what SIS shows you tonight, you are going to attend a great school. You're going to learn from amazing, inspirational professors, administrators, and peers. You're going to meet people with whom you will stay friends for the rest of your lives. You're going to pull all nighters studying. You're going to pull all nighters not studying. You're going to have great successes and you're going to fail miserably sometimes. What's going to make or break those experiences is your response and your openness to learning from them, not where you are when they happen.

Remember that your decision is not a statement about your value. Most of our applicants are qualified. They are perfectly capable of doing the work at UVa. Our first-year class just isn't large enough to accommodate everyone.

Best wishes to those who won't be back to the blog after this (if you're reading this by email, you can unsubscribe yourself at the bottom of the email). To the rest, I hope you'll continue to comment and maybe think about joining some of the groups that work with our office once you come here.

It's a big night and I'll be thinking about you all. Good luck!