Monday, May 09, 2011

Waiting list update #2

We made a few offers to students who were on the waiting list last week and those students have until tomorrow or so to make their decision.  I made a couple calls myself just now and the students with whom I spoke have until Friday to make their minds up.

Making this calls is a lot of fun for all of us.  Making a waiting list admission call is the closest thing we have to every admission officer's dream: seeing a student get their decision (I'm surprised people haven't started video taping the moment when they check their status!).

What I said about the different schools in the last update holds true.  I don't think we'll be making any offers to the School of Engineering, but we'll be making some to students on the waiting lists for the other schools. I still believe the number of waiting list offers will be lower than in years past.

A sad CavDog before a charity fashion show