Monday, March 21, 2011

Running towards the finish line

Visit traffic is up!  It looks like rolling Spring Break is in full effect.  If you decide to visit us in the next month, just be prepared for larger crowds than normal.  Each info session (there are two each day) probably brings about 200-400 extra people to Grounds.

Because of all these visitors, I might not be at my desk for periods during the day.  If you don't get a quick response to a question, please be patient (you always have been during reading season, which I appreciate!).  I'll try to to work through the comments as quickly as possible.

Someone asked for a picture of CavDog dancing in the Q&A thread.  Dogs aren't the most musical of animals (someone actually studied this), so I figured this picture might be an acceptable alternative.  


We can pretend that CavDog is gleefully running towards the end of the reading season.  

We're not done yet...but I think you all know that we're getting close.