Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Another round done...two more big steps to go!

If you read any other admission blogs (there's a list of them on my other blog), you know that it's committee time for most of us. This is the time when we make decisions about close or complex cases. I know of a few schools where every single file is reviewed by the committee. Obviously, that's a smaller school.

Anyway, there are two more big steps in the process before letters are in your hands. While we want to work quickly, we want to give every applicant our full consideration, so we'll take however much time it takes to make an informed, careful decision.

Many of you are aware that another wave of "likely letters" has gone out, but once again, don't read into the lack of a letter in your mailbox. For the vast majority of students, the next official communication received from UVa will get the decision letter.

Hang in there!