Monday, May 10, 2021

A 2021 Waiting List Update

If you watch my weekly live q&a sessions on Instagram, you've heard me talk about the waiting list a few times already, but I thought I'd share some information on the blog who aren't regularly tuning in (does one "tune in" for an Instagram live?). I save the live sessions on IGTV, barring an Instagram glitch, so you can watch old sessions if that is of interest.

It looks like the waiting list pendulum has swung (see over a decade of waiting list offers here), as it tends to do, and we are not seeing much movement on the list this year. A few offers have been made, but I don't think we'll see a total anywhere near what we saw last year.

As always, when the Dean decides to close/release the waiting list (meaning no more offers will be made), we will email all students who completed the waiting list interest form. 

I'm happy to answer questions in the comments and on this Thursday's live q&a session.