Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Updates for the #UVA Class of 2023 and Prospective Class of 2024 Students

I debated posting two separate posts within hours of each other, but figured it would be okay to shares these two updates in the same post.

First, we emailed the handful of students who were on the waiting list for the Architecture, Nursing, and Kinesiology last night to let them know that we are releasing the waiting list. No further offers will be made and the class of 2023 is complete.

Second, UVA is adding the option of applying Early Decision for next year's class. Next year's applicants can choose to apply under Early Decision, Early Action, or Regular Decision.

You can see the timeline for all three plans on the application instructions page of our website, but let me point out that we will release the results of the Early Decision review in December. We haven't been able to do that in about a decade. The application numbers are a bit higher than back then, so the deadline for that first group is moving up to October 15th.

Our review will be consistent throughout the season, as was the case when we just had two options, so there isn't a time when it's harder to be admitted. You'll have to think about the strength of your application and whether you want to commit to UVA up front when deciding on the plan that is best for you.

As always, I'll be posting our essay prompts in June for those who want to spend some time thinking about their essays over the summer.