Monday, April 30, 2018

Last Minute Notes for #UVA22 Decision Day

We are moments away from May 1st and that means UVA's Class of 2022 is coming together! For those admitted students who are still making their decision, here are a few notes:

1. You must pay the deposit fee to secure your spot in the class.
Some students hit "accept," but don't follow through on paying their fee. We emailed everyone who did this last week to let them know that they won't officially be part of the class until the deposit is paid.

2. SIS is built to work with e-checks.
SIS allows you to type the routing and account numbers from a check to pay your deposit. The system takes some credit cards (not all) and charges a convenience fee for those translations.

3. The Orientation and New Student Programs takes over once your deposit.
Enrolled students should start working on the to-do list on the Orientation website after paying the deposit. That list includes info about summer orientation, housing, dining, and more.

4. Final transcripts must be submitted when available.
Your final high school transcript should be sent once it is available. You won't be able to start classes without a final transcript.

There will be a dean on call during business hours tomorrow if you have any last minute questions. Don't hesitate to reach out to me on social media as well.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

A Mid-April Update

If you only follow me on this blog, you are probably wondering why it's been so quiet for the last few weeks. If you have followed me on Twitter or Instagram, you know that we've been hosting thousands of visitors each week between our Days on the Lawn open houses for admitted students and information sessions for juniors who are starting the college search.

Spring Break might last a week at your high school, but we experience large crowds of visitors for about three since schools schedule their breaks differently. We had full DOTLs on many Mondays and Fridays this month and gave 3-6 full information sessions on the "off" days.

One more item to throw into the mix: spring travel. Many staff members are making quick trips to college fairs, admitted student welcome events, and school programs this month.

Despite all this, there are staff members in the office every day, happy to field your questions if you are an admitted student trying to make your final decision. Don't hesitate to call us if we can help!