Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A sneak peek into engineering at UVa

It's no secret that I have a soft spot for engineers.  My personal believe is that there is no right way or wrong way to teach or learn engineering.  There are many, many schools out there that are preparing engineers for success in different ways.  I think the job of the prospective students is to figure out the style that works best for the type of learner they are.

I usually describe UVa's School of Engineering as being rounded.  Its common to encounter engineering students are are also studying business or economics or the humanities here.  While they'd be excellent cogs in the wheel at any company, they often seem poised for leadership, too.

I thought I'd share a few videos that the School of Engineering recently posted to Youtube.  Even if engineering isn't your thing, I think these are pretty interesting...

Though my allegiances lie elsewhere, this video from the graduate who works for the New York Yankees is especially cool!

Here's a current student, who started a company with two friends, talking about entrepreneurship:

Dean Ed Berger taught a class aboard the Semester at Sea ship about the Panama Canal.  Here's a video about a trip to the canal that he made with students:

More soon!

Any future engineers out there?  What areas of engineering interest you?

Monday, July 02, 2012

Let's talk about the weather

With a a few hundred visitors joining us each day for information sessions this summer, I thought it might be helpful to share a little bit about the weather we're experiencing right now in Charlottesville

Okay, it's not that bad.  While the derecho over the weekend required a bit of clean up, we're open and ready for visitors this morning.

If you ever need to know if UVa is open or closed, just look at the "What's Happening" bar on Virginia.edu.  Click on it and a box will drop down that will show you more information.

You can also follow UVa on Twitter for minute-by-minute updates about what's happening on Grounds.  Even I follow UVa on Twitter so I can be aware of events and activities.